Business Travel Management made simple

Business Travel Management

We design and provide comprehensive travel management solutions tailored to your needs. Our people understand the demands of business travel management and are dedicated to make business travel simple for you, no matter the time or place.

Asian female travel consultant shaking hands with woman of colour entrepreneur and her asian male business partner at the airport lounge


Our team listens to and understands your requirements before furnishing you with recommendations. Whether you require travel arrangements or cost-⁠savings, we will offer you with a fuss-⁠free solution.

Man using CoTS TripPAL, a business travel management mobile app on his smartphone

Travel Technology

With the introduction of new technologies, it is now more important than ever that travel and technology combine to form a seamless experience that matches your needs. Our mobile solution, CoTS TripPAL, was developed for this very reason.

It works just like a personal assistant, providing support for most of our services and giving you the flexibility to manage what’s required. Connect with us today for a showcase of business travel management at your fingertips.

Travel consultant going through travel management reports with businessman using tablet and laptop

Travel Management Reporting

Our sophisticated report system interprets your organisation’s travel data and provides you with simple but comprehensive information. Using this knowledge, we can assist in planning and managing improved business travel management programmes.

Two business colleagues with luggage walking together on tarmac towards the airplane

Duty of Care

Your safety and security are incredibly important to us. Unforeseen events such as sudden weather changes or political and social instability can be a huge disruption to any trip. This is why we ensure you are always well-⁠equipped with the knowledge to tackle any uncertainties. We work with third parties including International SOS and WorldAware to keep you safe.

Changes happen in an instant. Our experience keeps us well prepared. Hence, no matter what happens, no matter the time, our team is ready to lend a hand.

Let us fulfil your business travel needs

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